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5 Things All Non Profits Need to Do to Move into the Digital Age

Non Profits have been around for a long time, their origins can be traced back to the British Colonies, where for the first time in documented history governments granted special tax standards to charitable/donated money. Obviously, non profits have changed a lot since then, most have privatized and formalized to be more economically competitive. But to truly adapt to the digital age, non profits still need tools to help with day-to-day operations or even in times of emergencies. Here are 5 Things All Non Profits need to do to move into the Digital Age.

1. Tiempy

Tiempy logo for non profitsA defining trend of our time is social media, which a major consideration for most non profits. It is just as likely to reach out to your audience as it is to be drowned out. Tiempy helps automate social media posts on all platforms, helping non profits make timely posts on social media to keep up with their audience. You can also maintain your feeds and schedule recurring content to keep a constant flow of engagement with your existing and potential donors.

2. Mint

mint logo for non profitsThe Mint budgeting app is a great solution for funding and money issues. According to surveys, financial problems top the chart of non profit concerns, making budgeting that much more important. Mint is created by the same team as TurboTax and Quicken, and use bank level security for its data. Furthermore, Mint can connect to your bank to create a budget or spending plan, alert you with unusual charges and make spending recommendations. It can also pay bills, budget and review your credit scores.

3. Clausehound

We don’t normally associate non profits with legal issues, but it is still smart to have a means to deal with them. Issues like using phrases that can turn gift pledges into enforceable contracts are applicable to all non profits as wells as protecting your own work and monetization. Clausehound is a free and handy legal tool for Drafting & Reviewing Contract Clauses, you can draft, download and review legal contracts easily while having access to their library of past cases, tutorials and other resources.

clausehound logo for non profits

4. Gorgias

gorgias logo for non profits

Enhancing Net Promoter Scores through better service, empower your staff with more customer interactions, and gain trust, applying good customer service is important to nonprofits too, after all, it is the customer that pays the wages. Gorgias is an easy-to-use customer service tool that lets you answer tickets through email templates you create, set hotkeys and macros to make your customer service email system run more efficiently and successfully.

5. logo for non profitsEvery non profit needs a strategic plan since the bottom line isn’t monetary, a conference call can pull all of the board members together from around the world to exchange ideas at any time. Every non profit needs a financial plan since they have a tighter budget, a free conferencing system can save money while still enhancing their day-to-day operations. Like the name suggests is simple, effective and free. A free account hosts up to 1,000 people on a phone conference and even includes international dial in numbers. For its online video conferencing service also provides screen and document sharing. Meeting Checklist Banner

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