7 Essential Apps for the Busy Professional
Busy? On the go? Too much on your plate? No matter how you say it, there’s always more to do than time allows. These apps will help maximize your time, keeping you as efficient as can be. Echo Sign: Lets you directly sign and send contracts right from your mobile phone. Trello: Great for managing […]
Could conference calls help AA meetings?
Conference calls are no longer the expensive privilege of big corporations. They have become so cheap and cheerful that churches are using them to broadcast sermons, and many other grassroots community organizations are keeping in touch and promoting better communication with teleconference technology. But each organization has its own unique structure and operations. Could Alcoholics […]
How Freelance Writers Cut Costs with Free Online Meetings
The Internet has completely changed the landscape for freelance writers, opening up new markets, and allowing us to live where we want, but still find the right employers, wherever they might be. The Cloud has changed the economics of writing, too. Freelance writers use free online meetings to cut overhead costs, so we can charge […]
5 Tips for Writer's Groups to use Free Video Calling
Writers are famous for being a solitary, grouchy bunch, who warm their tired fingers by feeding critical reviews of their work into rusty wood stoves, in mossy-roofed cabins perched on lonely mountain slopes. But actually, we need feedback, and to see a fresh face now and again. Say, once a month or so. That's what […]
4 Tools for Conference Call Productivity
Keeping your conference call a positive experience for all parties can be a little tricky, but FreeConference.com offers tools to make everything run more smoothly. Check out these tips for a more productive conference call: Use Moderator Controls Keep your participants muted for as much of the call as possible. The call Organizer can […]
Web Conferencing makes a Harvard education accessible
If you've always wanted to include a Harvard education on your résumé, but didn't think you could travel that far, or afford the tuition cost, you should check out Harvard's new web conferencing academic courses. A new technology called "web conference calls" has just made a pre kindergarten education accessible to anyone, from anywhere. Harvard, and […]
And the Winner is...
Roscoe C. of Washington DC!!! Congratulations to our FreeConference.com iPad winner and a huge Thank You to everyone who filled out our survey – your feedback is incredibly important to us. We take everyone’s opinions and suggestions to heart and will be making some cool updates to the FreeConference.com site, and to our Mobile Apps […]
How Conference Calls Help with Time Management
Time. There’s never enough, is there? We all start out with a finite amount of time on the planet; it’s up to us to make the best of it. But how? Conference calls are a fantastic way to be more productive with your time: How many hours have been wasted trying to get everyone together in one […]
How Video Calls Can Help the 21st Century Manager
In the old days of business, a manager woke up every day and went to the office, worked 9 to 5 and came home. Once home, they would be completely shut off from the world. Nowadays it’s not so easy... or not so hard, depending on how you look at it! A manager nearly always […]
Web Conferencing Make Group School Projects Easy
Don't professors and teachers just seem to love dishing out group projects? They don't just want students to learn, they want to see how they work together as a team. They want to see how students negotiate through difficulties, like the team members who don’t do their part. (There is always one of those!) They […]
How to Use FreeConference.com International Dial-in Numbers
Here at FreeConference.com, we’ve always prided ourselves on worldwide access to our services. Case in point: Our ever increasing selection of dedicated international dial-in numbers. Our free plan offers dial-in numbers in nearly twenty countries so that you’ll always have a conference line available to you, wherever you are in the world. Upgrade to any […]