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Meetings and communication are a necessary fact of professional life. wants to help make your life easier with tips and tricks for better meetings, more productive communication as well as product news, tips and tricks.
Sam Taylor
Sam Taylor
January 4, 2016

Why Entrepreneurs Love Teleconferencing

If you wonder why entrepreneurs have a love affair going with teleconferencing, the answer is quite simple. They were made for each other. Entrepreneurs swim in a shark-infested sea of risk management. They thrive on innovation. Entrepreneurs are natural efficiency experts, and above all, they know how to bootstrap. And the feeling is mutual. Teleconferencing […]
Sam Taylor
Sam Taylor
December 28, 2015

The Tao of New Year's Resolutions for Businesses.

  Christmas can be tiresome, because it is now all about buying something. New Years is different. If you make a New Years Resolution, the holiday can be less about buying something and more about being something. This works for businesses too. We're always being told to invest thousands of dollars in better Customer Relation […]
Sam Taylor
Sam Taylor
December 22, 2015

Conference Calls and Multidisciplinary Design Teams

What will soon be North America's tallest wood framed building is under construction at the University of British Columbia (UBC). One of the world's new "wooden skyscrapers," it demonstrates that environmentally friendly wood can be used as the framework to build large structures just as economically and safely as less ecological concrete, glass and steel. […]
Sam Taylor
Sam Taylor
December 16, 2015

3 ways to prepare your business for a better New Year

We live in a culture obsessed by finding what's new and exciting. That means, if you want your business and organization to prosper, you'll not only have to deliver your product or service, but do it in a way that captures people's imagination with the latest social media trends. Champagne doesn't just taste good; it […]
Sam Taylor
Sam Taylor
December 14, 2015

5 Reasons Consultants Use Conference Calls

If you are a consultant, closing new contracts is probably the hardest part of your job. Organizations are always afraid of change, even if they know they need it. Of course, one of the biggest fears clients must face is their misunderstanding that organizational development is a cuttable "cost", when it should be thought of […]
Sam Taylor
Sam Taylor
December 11, 2015

What do Telecaster and Teleconferencing have in Common?

Telecasters and Teleconferencing are both 1950's technology that completely transformed the world back in their heyday. They remain relevant today through their simple, and honest effectiveness. Both of them are communication technologies that help many people share experiences at together, at once. What Telecasters and Teleconferencing have in common is their unique ability to help […]
Sam Taylor
Sam Taylor
December 9, 2015

New Years Resolution #2: Trimming the Fat with Teleconferencing

  Everyone can stand to lose a few pounds after the Holiday Feasting Season­– even businesses worry about their "figures" at Year End! Nothing is worse than a saggy "bottom line," caused by too many unnecessary costs plumping up our expenses. New Year's is a great time for any group to resolve to work smarter […]
Sam Taylor
Sam Taylor
December 4, 2015

Successful Business Plans: Test Your Assumptions

Too many organizations create a business plan as "bank bait" and then chuck it in the waste basket once the investment cash (or grant, for non-profits) flows in. This can severely hamper the success of a project, and burn the relationship with the lender or grantor. The most important process in creating a business plan […]
Sam Taylor
Sam Taylor
December 2, 2015

New Year's Resolution #1: Build your Confidence and try new conference call features

  New Year's Resolutions are great for helping people try new things they normally wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole. But why is it so hard for some of us to experiment freely, and how can we get the benefits of doing so? In the Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator system, the "ENFP" profile is one that […]
Sam Taylor
Sam Taylor
December 1, 2015

How to Host a Reservationless Conference

Making a reservationless call with is easy! Your dedicated dial-in number & personal conference room can be used for all your free conference calls whether they are reservationless or scheduled - so it's as easy as sending around your URL, dial-in number and access code. You can do this in 4 Easy Steps 1: Decide on […]
Sam Taylor
Sam Taylor
November 30, 2015

Boosting Profit by Hiring an Expert

Use conference calls to optimize expertise In a recent blog on improving a business’ bottom line through conversion-driven sales campaigns, marketing gurus at Optimize Smart conclude their article with the app AWOL Academy. After all, no business has every knowledge base covered. And the fresh perspective of an outside expert can be as useful as […]
Sam Taylor
Sam Taylor
November 27, 2015

Driving Profit By Reducing Costs With Conference Calls

Driving Profit By Reducing Costs With Conference Calls Profit is essentially revenue minus costs, so by reducing costs with conference calls you are already on your way towards successfully increasing profit. What better way to start than to save on something you do regularly in your professional life? That’s right, I’m talking about conference calls. […]
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