Outlook Add-in FAQs
What do I need to use the Outlook Add-In? The FreeConference Outlook Add-In works with the Microsoft Windows and requires Microsoft Outlook 2003 or a more recent version of Outlook. The add-in does not work on Office for Mac computers. Where do I get my Dial-in Number and Access Code? Once you've installed the Outlook […]
Schedule your next call with the FreeConference Outlook Add-In
The new FreeConference Outlook Add-In conveniently incorporates FreeConference into the Microsoft Outlook tools you already use. Easily schedule conference calls, send invitations, manage your preferences, review account information, and create recurring conferences using your existing contacts and meeting management tools. It does everything but dial. Features & Benefits: Version 3.0 adds support for 64-bit versions […]
FreeConference App For Facebook
You already post to walls and tag your friends. Now, share with your friends whenever you conduct a web-scheduled or reservationless conference. Features Create a Facebook "Event" to automatically invite call participants from your Friends list. Allow invitees to RSVP to your conference call. Share your conference on your Facebook wall and/or Twitter feed. Schedule conference […]
FreeConference works with Evernote
To make it easy to remember your conference call notes and discussions, before, during, or after your call. Type a text note, clip a web page, snap a photo, or grab a screenshot. Keep your conference items organized and search for notes fast, all within the same application! Features Organize: Scheduled conference information, images, screenshots, […]
FreeConference Works Seamlessly in the Cloud
Evernote FreeConference works with Evernote, making it easy to track your conference notes and discussions, before, during, or after your call. Facebook and Twitter Share with your friends whenever you conduct a web-scheduled or reservationless conference. Google Calendar Automatically syncs scheduled conference information to your Google calendar. Outlook Conference Manager Easily schedule conference calls just like you set up meetings—right […]
How to Organize a Conference with Toll-Free
Note: This page is for legacy users of our service only. Please see this page for organizing toll-free conferences with our new current service: https://www.freeconference.com/faq/can-i-get-toll-free-800-number-access-to-the-conference/ 1:Decide on your conference details, including the call date and time, estimated number of phone lines for your Participants (up to 150), and the amount of time needed (up to 5 […]
How to Organize a Web-Scheduled Standard FreeConference
Organizing a Web-Scheduled FreeConference requires that you sign up for a user account 1:Decide on your FreeConference details, including the call date and time, estimated number of phone lines for your Participants (up to 150), and the amount of time needed (up to 4 hours). 2:Be sure you are logged onto the FreeConference Web site […]
How to Join a FreeConference Reservationless Conference
How to Join a FreeConference Reservation-less Conference Call 1: On the chosen date and time on FreeConference, have your Participants call your dedicated dial-in telephone number (see steps 1 and 2 of "How to Organize a Reservation-less Call"). Note: to get your dedicated Dial-in telephone number and access code, please Log In. 2: Instruct them to enter […]
Quick User Guide For FreeConference
NOTE: These step-by-steps are for FreeConference Legacy product. Just three steps to get started right away on FreeConference. 1. View the introductory Flash movie, which briefly explains FreeConference's conference call services. 2. View the "Our Services" page for a side-by-side cost and feature comparison of our conference call services. Our Services Page 3. After deciding […]
FreeConference.com Goes Green for Earth Day
Conferencing activity translates to environmental contribution Glendale, CA. April 22, 2010 --- Thursday is Earth Day, and FreeConference.com is doing their part to go Green. Many companies already take advantage of conferencing services to reduce their carbon footprint, allowing them to conduct business effectively and efficiently, while keeping aware of environmental impact. Now FreeConference is […]
FreeConference.com Launches Facebook Application to Connect Friends
Schedule and Manage Conferences Right from Facebook Page LOS ANGELES—April 13, 2010— While most social media sites help connect people in the virtual world, a new FreeConference® application takes communication to the next level with audio conferencing. FreeConference now provides the tools and shortcuts to schedule a conference and invite friends to join right from […]
Global Conference Partners’ Users Rally to Save Free Conferencing
Users Send More Than 100,000 Letters to 530 Congress Members Nationwide Glendale, CA. March 31, 2010 - FreeConference.com, Inc. and its subsidiary, Global Conference Partners, launched an advocacy campaign to rally support from its users in response to recent actions by the House of Representatives’ Energy and Commerce Committee, regarding free conferencing services and the […]