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Use Screen Share for 3 Hot Non-Profit Trends

The recent trends in technologies, communications and time management is affecting the non-profit sector on how they make decisions. Many non-profits are in need of change, as different jobs, demands and services are emerging within the industry that has traditionally never been important. A tool that can be used to for non-profits to adapt to these trends is Screen-Sharing, an affordable way to add a visual element to communications, a dynamic way to share digital files. With the development of the non-profit industry, screen-sharing can be the tool that guides them into the future, here are how we would use screen share for 3 non-profit trends.

Screen share Charity Hands

Improvements to fundraising

Fundraising is still the most important aspect of a non-profit, and with increasing demand of services, fundraising can be more important than ever. With screen share, you can hold sales demos and presentations, giving potential donors a new digital experience to your programs. There’s a reason why people are shifting from slides to live demos to screen-sharing because it sells. The pitch is more valuable to your audience when they feel involved, don’t talk to me, show me what your cause is.

Engagement with stakeholders

Your donors, partners, or anyone that has a connection to your non-profit can be your biggest asset for the non-profit’s survival. To keep them actively engaged throughout your campaign, screen-sharing can be a great tool for a presentation of your timely progress. Screen-sharing brings added value from a normal presentation or conference call because of its interactive nature. Show your stakeholders that they are contributing to a great cause through screen-sharing and that they should continue to participate with your non-profit.

Collaboration and problem solving

Too many non-profits suffer the same fate, a great cause, run out of the will to operate, disbandment. Hence the importance of periodic communication with the team. Screen-sharing can be a critical part of the communication as the interactive nature of this feature fosters collaboration. Aside from the visual aids, presenters can go between documents quickly during screen-sharing, which allows for quick and effective problem-solving.

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